An Air Crash
An air crash is so terrible a thing that it leaves behind nothing but wreckage. What is left of human bodies is nothing but charcoal and cinder. Traveling by air is, no doubt, easy and swift but it leads to disastrous consequences in the case of a crash. Everything finishes off in the air. The death toll is heavier when the number of passengers on board the plane is big. The death of a pilot or a wing commander on a routine flight is touching indeed but our heart comes into our mouth when we hear of an air crash which leaves behind hundreds of dead bodies, all mutilated and unidentified. A French airlinear that crashed over Golar Hills a few weeks ago ripped open the hearts of those who read the news in the papers. The plane was carrying on board as many as 360 passengers. It took off all right at De Faus airport and flew at a height of 6000 feet above the sea-level. Everything went right and the crew signalled no complaint in the engine. As the plane came over the Golar Hills, it developed some snag in the engine and lost contact with the radar. In no time the plane carrying on board 360 passengers crashed on the slopes of Mt. Alpha. All the passengers travelling by the ill-fated plane were killed. Massive operations were launched to trace the dead bodes and the wreckage. More than half of the dead bodies remained undiscovered. Later, the black box reveated that the plane broke into two in the air because of an explosion. Such accidents must be avoided at all costs.
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