BEd Micro lesson plan for Science class 10th || Download BEd lesson plan pdf - Feel Educated-feel the real taste of education


Monday, July 26, 2021

BEd Micro lesson plan for Science class 10th || Download BEd lesson plan pdf

bed micro lesson plan for science class 10th

BEd micro lesson plan for science 10th class so hey guys we will come with another topic on bed micro lesson plan and in this article i will cover all the micro lesson plan for science class 10th.these lesson plan are on topics like carbon, cleansing action of soap, carbon and its alltrope, defects of vision,ohm's law,refraction,salt used in daily life,electricity,carbon,electrochemical series, acid and bases and so here is the table of content for the article click the lesson plan which you want to download 

Table of content

1:lesson plan on defects of vision

The first lesson plan  is on topic of defects of vision there are three types of defects in vision.myopia,hypermetropia,presyopia. all the description is given in the lesson plan. if you want to download bed lesson plan on defects of vision then firstly watch the preview of the pdf 
click below download button to download bed lesson plan on defects of vision

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2:lesson plan on carbon and its alltropes

The second lesson plan is on topic of carbon and its alltropes in this lesson plan all the description is given on the carbon alltropes which are diamond,graphite,buckminister fullerene if you want to downlaod bed lesson plan on carbon and its alltropes then firstly watch the preview of the pdf

3:Lesson plan on ohm's law

The third lesson plan  is on topic of ohm's this lesson plan all the things are wriiten on ohm's law if you want to download bed lesson plan on ohm's law then firstly watch the preview of the pdf 

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4:lesson plan on cleansing action of soap

The fourth lesson plan is on topic of cleansing action of soap. cleansing action of soap process contains salts of sodium if you want to download bed lesson plan on cleansing action of soap firstly watch the preview of the pdf

5:lesson plan on chemical reaction

The fifth lesson plan is on topic of chemical reaction this lesson plan give's  all the information about chemical reactions  if you want to download bed lesson plan on chemical reaction then firstly watch the preview of the pdf

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6:Lesson plan on Electricity

The sixth lesson plan is on topic of this lesson plan topic of electricity is expressed fully  if you want to download bed lesson plan on electricity then firstly watch the preview of the pdf 

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7:lesson plan on salts used in daily life

The seventh lesson is on topic of salt used in daily life if you want to download bed lesson plan on salts used in daily life then firstly watch the preview of the pdf 

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8:Lesson plan on carbon

The eight lesson is on topic of carbon if you want to download bed lesson plan on carbon then firstly watch the preview of the pdf so that you can get pdf preview 

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9:Lesson plan on electrochemical series

The nineth lesson is on topic of electrochemical series . if you want to download bed lesson plan on electrochemical series then firstly watch the preview of the pdf 

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10:lesson plan on refraction

The tenth lesson is on topic of refraction if you want to download bed lesson plan on refraction  then firstly watch the preview of the pdf 

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11:lesson plan on theories of acid and bases

The eleventh lesson is on topic of theories of acid and bases. acid contains h+ ion.base contains h- ion if you want to download bed lesson plan on theories of acid and base then firstly watch the preview of the pdf

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